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优异质量。 减少 CO2 排放
采用 CleanPrint 技术的优质水洗印版
该水洗印版是高品质柔性印刷应用的理想之选,包括软包装和标签。采用 CleanPrint 技术,可持续减少印刷机的碳排放量。这款印版的开发是为了帮助柔印行业从 VOC 溶剂制版转向“更清洁”的替代方案。
平整。 但不 平淡。
AWP™-CleanFlat 是水洗平顶柔版解决方案,可提供优质印刷效果。它能提升宽幅软包装和饮料纸盒印刷的着墨效果。同时,还能可持续地减少印刷机的碳排放量。只是平整,但绝不平淡!
Boost Your Density.
Water-washable medium hardness Flat Top plate
AWP™-CleanFlat Medium is a medium hardness water-washable Flat Top plate solution with excellent ink transfer and high level of press consistancy. It improves the ink laydown on rough substrates such as wide web uncoated paper printing as well as recycled film applications. It is the perfect plate to Boost your Density in concert with its harder twin CleanFlat.
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